Break the rules and mix thing up!
When coming up with your own home design style it is all about breaking the rules! You can start by finding a print that you love. If the print has multiple colors this allows for more options of mixing and matching different types of furniture.
Doing too much of one thing can come off as basic. Vintage, modern and rustic can work together to create something distinctive and personal, yet chic. Match that 18th-century sofa with a modern rug and it’s a whole new look.
Embrace your differences
Most couples to have different tastes when it comes to home decorating. They each have a strong sense of what they do and don’t like. Since the best interior spaces are about combining looks and styles into one cool space, designing with a partner can lead to magic design moments. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try things in unconventional combinations. This is when the magic happens and you find your unique home style.
Go for quality
No matter what kind of home item it is, buy the best quality you can in your budget! Well-made furniture pieces can be more expensive but can actually last a lifetime! They can then be passed on from generation to generation. With the help of a professional interior designer you can find the perfect piece you are looking for!