We all do it. Every year the holidays creep up on us and we find ourselves scrambling to get those last minute presents for our friends and family.
Since we know our readers are avid interiors design enthusiasts we found some of the best books to give to a fellow design buff! Amazon Prime will help you get them in a hurry!
Check out these amazing books and great gifts for that friend who is really into renovating there home right now!
Mark Hampton on Decorating, by Mark Hampton
Dive into Hamptons full-blown renderings of his interior design work and learn about every aspect of the design process. From colors and styles to plans and materials.
The New Small House, by Katie Hutchison
The new wave of eco-friendly and sustainable homes is finally here! Engage with these homeowners and simplifiers who are breaking bounds in traditional home decorating.
The Kinfolk Home: Interiors for Slow Living, by Nathan Williams
This book teaches one how to cultivate an intimate space and find ways to share it with ones community. By simplifying your life you can create beauty in your space.
See more gift ideas here!