As usual, we bring you our favorite other high end interior design blog posts so you don’t have to go out and find them yourselves.
Click on the headlines below to check out each article! And enjoy!
Double Decker: Weekend Retreat High Above Hardy’s Bay
We couldn’t do what we do without architects. Check out this example of how a fabulous architect completely transformed a home that seemed past its prime.
As a Miami interior designer, I feel lucky to be part of the world’s hottest…and most high quality interior design scene. This post details a new development that is the best of everything Miami has to offer.
Biodegradable Lamp Grows From Mushrooms
There are few things more important to executing a premium interior design project than the furnishings–large and small. So you can imagine how much fun I had with this article about a design company that actually grew an attractive table lamp…from mushrooms.
Those of you who read our blog regularly know what fans we are of Slim Paley. So we couldn’t have been more relieved when we came across this article telling us her reasons for her recent pause on posting new material.