I’m a big believer that our blog is not the place for us to sell anything. When you come here, we try our best to share what we know, point out the work of others we love, and maybe even entertain you and make you laugh a little bit.
That said, there’s nothing better than when people share their appreciation for us publicly…whether it’s for the high end interior design work we do or the joy they get from one of our blog posts. Not only do reviews make us really happy…they happens to be great for business.
So if you’ve ever gotten a bit of pleasure out of anything we’ve done, I’d like to ask you to do a huge favor for us…
You can review us for whatever’s relevant. If you’re a client, leave a review of our work. If you’re a fan of our blog, review the blog. It will only take a few minutes, but it would mean the world to us.
Click here to leave your review of Interiors by Steven G. (or The Psychology of Design).