It can be costly when you begin to design and decorate a home. Luckily for those on a budget there are some websites that can help those searching for a deal. There are also many helpful Apps you can use too! Though we recommend advice and consultation with the pro’s here are three amazing websites that will help you achieve your home design goals.
On this site you will fin great deals on furniture, fixture and other design equipment. You can grab interior design inspiration by looking through their catalogue.
Home Polish charges a flat rate of $50 for a walk-in consultation. It can then be followed by $100 per hour, should you decide to go through the whole process that the company has envisioned to your space. This company’s service is available in all major cities only.
This company has an amazing virtual reality site that lets you choose the kind of style that you wish your space to look like. When looking at items you can “Love It” or “Leave It” — referring to the suggested designs they have for you.